The Art of Knowing When

I am in the middle of my spring break. Up until last week I was planning on going on a service trip in Eastern Washington. Everyone who went last year said it was very rewarding, even lifechanging, so I decided I wanted to go. As time came closer, I realized that I had only been home twice. Once was so my parents could proofread my RA application and the second time was so my mom could give me a haircut for my interview. Both times were only a night and I didn’t see my brother either time. So I decided I wanted to spend my break with my family. Besides, I’m going to be spending six weeks in Tanzania. That should be enough good for the year. I’m glad I made my choice, it has been a good break so far. Well except for when I passed out in my kitchen (thankfully my family was present) for want of balanced electrolytes. At least I’m not the first person to pass out during spring break!


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5 responses to “The Art of Knowing When

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: If You Leave | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  2. Pingback: I think I left love | The Bohemian Rock Star's "Untitled Project"

  3. Pingback: I LEFT… INTO LIFE | hastywords

  4. Pingback: Poem / Poetry – “Goodbye, My Dear!” | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

  5. Pingback: If You Leave [VIGNETTE] | Ramisa the Authoress

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