Tag Archives: Syria

Simeon the Stylite: A Shape Poem

A pious man

By the name of


Sat alone on a pole

Because he wanted to grow closer to God

Free from all our world’s temptations

Holy               And free from all want            Holy

Life                         Oneness with YHWH                       Life

That is what he wanted

So he sat on that pole

Holy                   Life

Holy                   Life

Holy                   Life

Holy Life                     Holy Life

But rather predictably The Dark One reared His ugly head

And tried to tempt the Most Holy Simeon

“C’mon get off!”

“C’mon get off!”

“I know you want to!”

 “But you’re a good hermit!

“I know you want to!”

“Just get off!”

“Just get off!”

“Are you cool?”

“I don’t think so!”

But Simeon never got down from his pole

And that’s the way our story ends!

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Bye bye Bashar

I’d go to Syria and spray Al Assad and his inner circle with a healthy dose of their own chemical weapons. They’ve caused so much pain and suffering, so having all time frozen would be the perfect opportunity for some Karmic balance. Sure he turned over them, but he’s acting like a thief who isn’t sorry for what they stole but is sure as hell sorry they could end up in The Hague for war crimes. I know many of the rebel factions aren’t much better than him, but it would be satisfying to be the one who finally took him down.



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A Day Without Food

It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Most of the time I spent doing reading for school. Sometimes I would feel hungry, so I would just have to stay in my dorm building where there wasn’t any food. Then I would remember all of the people in Syria who are struggling to live another day. After several hours of studying, I decided to catch a bus to the mall to take a break and refresh myself. People were just going about there day, and you couldn’t guess that there was a fratricidal war going on that our country may end up involved with. Of course I’m sure many shoppers are just as aware as I am, but I’m sure others were not. Walking by the food court was very difficult, but once I got on the bus back to campus I felt much better. I failed to go a full 24 hours without food, not because I gave up but because the cafeteria closes at 7:00 and I didn’t want to go 26 hours without food. The secret was to drink water.

Lots and lots of water.Here I am now, waiting for Congress to come to a decision. Whatever they decide, I hope the best for the people of Syria. No one deserves to experience what they are going through.

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My First Fast Begins Today

Like I said recently, I decided to answer Pope Francis’ call to dedicate Saturday to fasting and prayer for Syria. I have just finished eating dinner and I don’t plan to eat again until Sunday. My school’s chapel had a vigil today which I attended and I will be going to the daily mass tomorrow. I am not Catholic, I am baptized in the Presbyterian Church, but Francis called out to people of all denominations and faiths and I am glad to participate. Things like this are exactly the reason why I highly admire him.

While it is my goal to go without eating tomorrow, I’m not sure if I can make it. I’ll try. However there are certain things that I know I can go a day without. See you all Sunday.

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Review of The Battle of Algiers

Today my political science class viewed the film The Battle of Algiers. The movie is fact based account of the Algerian War, where the National Liberation Front rebelled against French colonial rule and resulted in Algeria’s indpendance. We watched the movie because we are currently discussing terrorism and what causes people to resort to terrorism in the first place. Despite wholeheartedly siding the the FLN, it is made clear that there activities fall neatly within the confines of terrorism. Numerous bombings, murder of police officers, and various other acts pf terror are shown. That is balanced with by depicting the human rights abuses carried out by the French as well. The FLN is clearly made to be heroic, but the French are hardly villinized even after it was established they resorted to torture. So rather than reduce the Algerian to a simplistic black and white tale, The Battle of Algiers makes it clear how complex the conflict was; meanwhile it is still an easy to follow film.

Another thing that makes this film expeptional are the artistic merits. Almost no proffesional actors were cast. Instead the FLN members were all played by real life members, and many of the French soldiers were played by actual French veterans. Such an approuch gives so much authenticity, and it took advantage of an opportunity not always present. The cinematography is stunning, it was filmed on location in Algiers and the decision to film in black and white was executed beautifully.

The Battle of Algiers is a film I recommend to everyone. It is ranked fairly high in “all time greatest film” lists, so that is a concensus. It is especially relevant to modern American viewers as many see parallels between France’s struggle and America’s involvement in the Middle East. With Syria’s future in the balance watching it now is esspecially timely.

poster still


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Pope Francis calls for a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria and the world

I was very moved by Pope Francis’ plea and I want to help get the word out. Personally I will be participating literally and will not be eating on Saturday, my school is considering hosting a special vigil and I will be going if it happens. As Francis said, feel free to observe in a manner appropriate with your beliefs or lack thereof. The crisis in Syria has grown into a very confusing quagmire saturated in “damned if you do damned if you don’t” scenarios. President Obama and all other world leaders need wisdom in such a trying time.


Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, in the entire Mideast region, and throughout the whole world to be held this coming Saturday, September 7th, 2013. Speaking ahead of the traditional Angelus prayer with pilgrims gathered in St Peter’s Square this Sunday, Pope Francis said, “On the 7th of September, here [in St Peter’s Square], from 7 PM until midnight, we will gather together in prayer, in a spirit of penitence, to ask from God this great gift [of peace] for the beloved Syrian nation and for all the situations of conflict and violence in the world.” The Holy Father also invited non-Catholic Christians and non-Christian believers to participate in ways they feel are appropriate. “Never again war!” said Pope Francis. “We want a peaceful world,” he said, “we want to be men and women of peace.”

Pope Francis…

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